Putting data at the heart of the country’s challenges
At DWP Digital, you’ll work with skilled, knowledgeable colleagues from a range of different backgrounds. You’ll use your skills to help identify and reduce fraud, maintain and improve system performance, and help data scientists access the right data.
Data is at the heart of how we’re solving some of the country’s biggest digital challenges. And we work with some of the biggest and richest data in the UK. We hold data for more than 20 million customers, with billions of records.
Our data warehouse has over 230 terabytes of data. We deliver data-driven intelligence, products and services that enhance our services and make a real difference to our customers’ lives.
Innovation is at the core of our data strategy. We’re exploring the ethical use of machine learning and automation to predict, make decisions, and initiate activity based on our customers’ needs.
Our work enables DWP to make data-driven decisions based on the outcomes of our analysis. It’s an important role that helps shape DWP policy, and has a real impact on millions of people across the UK.
You’ll have the opportunity to work on large-scale projects like Universal Credit DataWorks – a common data infrastructure platform used across DWP. And you can take part in inspirational, cross-organisational events, such as DataJam and Hack the North.
We currently work in a Hortonworks ecosystem, using big data platforms such as Hadoop and Hive. But we’re soon moving to a Cloudera platform, using new technologies such as Apache Spark and Kafka.
Having tested a data science sandbox environment, which allowed us to use open source tools such as R and Python with DWP data in a secure way, we’ve moved to containerisation technology to help us deliver our data projects. This has enabled us to use tools that support techniques like Natural Language Processing.

Big data and big challenges
Data scientist Pieter talks about the reasons for his career change and move to DWP Digital.

Supporting digital performance analytics
Gemma talks about the work of her team and being head of role for Digital Performance Analytics.

Using Python to solve big digital challenges
Daniel Routledge, senior data scientist, is using Python to analyse data and help improve DWP's services.